I've not had a good week.
Last Sunday we had a few problems to sort out and I become a little
stressed. On Monday I certainly was not
my usual self and by Friday John insisted I went to the doctors, it does tend
to take me an age to convince myself I may need help. Doctor had me sent to Salisbury A&E
under threat that if John couldn't
drive me there quick enough he was to call
999 to go via ambulance. Many hours
later, x-rays, blood tests and an endoscope it was confirmed I have been
bleeding internally and was very anaemic. I'm
home now and John is stuffing me with red meat, green vegetables and
Guinness! Boy oh boy do I feel tired
though, falling asleep at the drop of a hat. I'm
fed up with the vertigo and the
vagueness of sometimes not even knowing the simplest word, but things are
starting to improve!!!
I've not been able to do much in the craft world, well not as much as I would like considering I have been very much in duck mode! I have just put a little paint on the piece below. This has been on my wall for an age and I am so hoping to finish it! I had a bit of a block with a certain part of it but all will be revealed in good time. It will have to talk to me a little more first.
The Christmas top has had a little of the quilting done. Instead of feathers I have stitched holly leaves, you can just make them out. I will give these a little lift with paint too at some stage.
And the bliss of my favourite season is lighting the fires. I think everyone else seems to agree too. Ruger is on the rug in front of these three. It's not a bad place to try and recuperate really.
Have a good week ahead.