Friday, 24 June 2016

Beading by Numbers

Yes, beading by numbers, not something I would do as a rule.  If you've been here a while you will know I'm not adverse to a bit of bead embroidery, just click the Beading word in the cloud on the right hand side to see some.

Anyway the Queen of Bead Embroidery, Sherry Serafini, actually released a kit for one of her bags.  As I'm never likely to actually go to one of her classes I decided to treat myself to the kit.  This would be as near as I was likely to get to have instruction from her and to learn some of her secrets.  

The kit arrived from America and I've been working on it now and then through the week. 

Yes the base was preprinted and the beads counted out but I have learned several tricks already that I would never have known as they are certainly not in her books!  I'm thoroughly enjoying myself and even when there was a little hiccup with the pattern and I had to contact her directly she was so lovely and it was all sorted in no time. 

This week I also went to our village church to have a look at the altar cover.   I had been asked by the Church Warden during the Art Weeks if I thought there was anything I could do to salvage it. 

The panels along the back are from a silk wedding dress from a lady who used to live in the village in the 1800's.  When I find out more details I will let you know the story. 

As you can imagine the silk is terribly fragile and really not up to much handling. 

I have put forward a few ideas and they will be discussed to see if they are acceptable.  As you can imagine you can't just whip off altar covers and stick any old thing on.  There are certain things that have to be followed which I have been finding out about in my research.  Only linen, cotton and silks should be used and, of course, they have to be blessed.  I'm sure a solution will be found and I will keep you updated. 

I managed to sort the pile of books and magazines that has been growing on my footstool, I even managed to read through a couple, so I now know where I am for the moment, I think!! 

Everything else is ticking along despite our government going into freefall over leaving the EU.  You can tell Ellie and Willow were totally stressed about the whole thing. 

Have a great weekend! 

Friday, 17 June 2016

Normal Service Has Been Resumed!

I hope anyway.  

I've dived straight into a couple of projects I have to put under my belt sooner rather than later and been having quite a lot of fun with them! John has been listening to strange mutterings and goings on but I may reveal all at some point in the future!! 

The Art Weeks was a wonderful success and it was so much easier having it from home this time.  Thank you to those who made it, and let yourselves be known!! I also made contact with a couple of other ladies who are into stitch and relatively close to me which is always nice. Everything is now packed away until next time but I will have to pull my finger out and start creating as several of my large pieces went, all the handmade books and bags bar one and I couldn't make the notebook covers fast enough! I know it's not supposed to be about the selling but showing what you do but people do like to buy!! The charities are grateful I'm sure. 

Jan, who I did the Art Weeks with, came around yesterday with a lovely gift for me.  

It's of the DMC Library published 1884 and a real little gem.

There are 16 chapters on everything to do with needlework.  I've crocheted since I was small but now-a-days have hangups about following patterns as they are often American and the stitch types are all wrong.  I spend ages 'translating' the pattern back into English so often give up.  Reading the crochet section in this however could take me down all sorts of paths I didn't even know existed!  Look at those amazing trellises! 

There are even some colour plates.  Applique on damask anyone?  I think I could spend quite a bit of time dipping into this treasure trove.  I love it. 

I'm back in the studio today, weather permitting.  We've been having huge downpours and thunderstorms.  They don't bother me, though I would like to put the sunflowers out without them being beaten flat, it's just the noise on the roof of the studio can be phenomenal!  The lovely amount of light I have more than makes up for it though.  

Have a great weekend! 

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Art Weeks Under Way

We are now halfway through the Art Weeks and it has been really great.  I've met so many people, old and new, and many I 'know' through Facebook.  My comments book is positively bulging and it makes my heart sing reading it at the end of each day. 

Of course the ultimate buzz and compliment is when people like what you do enough to want to take it home with them.  I still find this a bit of a shock to be honest!  I sold out of the books that were for sale and have very few of my show ones left, and I could have sold a couple of those a few times too.  The covered notebooks went so fast I had to make more and, again, they are selling well too as are all the cards.  Strata went on the first day, the Piscine Parade has also gone along with Silver Light and the landscapes are going down too.  All amazing, all great for the charity.  (They are all on my website if you want to see which is which.)

I had some lovely reviews from Maggie Grey yesterday on Facebook too HERE  and HERE.  Honestly, if you've ever thought of doing it, have a go!