Wednesday, 17 October 2018

More October Quickies

Just an update of the little 15 minute paintings I have be doing for the month of October.  

Some days 15 mins is over in a flash and others I could do with longer but I'm trying to be good.  

Here are the rest of the Honey Boat squash and the gourds I grew along with them.  

I used to always grow gourds when the children were little and now and then we actually found an exciting one!  More often than not they were just the simple ones like these but it's a bit of fun.  Maybe next year!! 

Stitchy wise I put together the pooling cushion.  It's bright and cheerful and the dogs like sleeping on it.  

Last weekend on the Saturday I went up to the Knitting and Stitching Show and didn't buy much at all, which is, I think, good!  I'm still trying to work out if it's because I didn't find anything, I didn't need anything or I just wasn't inspired.  They'd had a change around and there seemed to be a lot less of the galleries. I came away feeling rather flat to be honest.  Usually I have a notebook and camera full let alone the shopping bags.  Not too sure if I'll do next year.  Perhaps I need a break from it.

On the Sunday SiL Mike had a 10k race around Shaftesbury.  It's very hilly and, he said, Gold Hill, (yes the one from the Hovis adverts!) was the least of his worries.  At the same time little Olivia had her very first official run too!  She ran in the children's races around the school field and came first in the Under 5's Girls! So proud of her! 

Every runner had a beautifully made ceramic medal and the winners each received an amazing bowl too.  The bottom part really sparkles like water. 

Well today I had the first part of new crown molar tooth fitting, the drilling out part.  This one particular tooth has an incredibly sensitive and stubborn nerve which refuses to go numb no matter how much anaesthetic he pumps me with.  My wonderful dentist tells me in 35 years he's only had 5 like this and I'm probably number 2! At least each pump of the stuff gave him 30 seconds to work at a time before he could see the gum pinking up again.  I was ok but he was shaking quite a lot at the end and he's a very big man!  It's really lovely to actually have found a conscientious dentist who worries about hurting.  

Big dog walk tomorrow, I hope it stops raining long enough! 

Saturday, 6 October 2018

I Was Brave!

I've been doing a few little painting sketches in a 5 inch sketchbook each day so far for October. 

Only about 15 minutes per painting and not to get too close or fussy with it. 

I've been posting them on my Instagram, Amo107,  rather than FB.

Will I a) get to the end of the month and/or b) actually enjoy using a sketchbook!?

And the reason I've been doing it???

On Monday I went and had my eyes lasered! My near sight started going about 12 years ago and I used reading glasses.  Then about 8 years ago my long sight decided it wanted to join in too!  At first it was just glasses for driving but it slowly become worse.  Eventually I became a permanent glasses wearer, which I hated.  I could see fine 4 to 6 feet but nearer or further was bleugh! 

I didn't like the thought that I wasn't seeing colour properly, I couldn't see the stars at night without a halo and I couldn't take the dogs out in mist or drizzle without windscreen wipers etc.  At my last eye test the optician said I would be a good candidate for surgery as long as I didn't mind possibly having one over the other.  I made an appointment with Optegra Solent and the process was amazing.  After a month of contact lenses to have an idea of what I would have, one near, one far or both far, I went back.  I decided I couldn't get a decent, close enough vision with the varifocal lens replacement for my stitch-work and I would go for distance vision with reading glasses instead.  I can pick and choose readers off the shelf to suit what I need them for, have a pair in every room and in any colour I like as both eyes are the same! 

The op was simple and totally painless and in less than 15 minutes I was having a cup of tea reading my drops instructions. The drops, 14 times a day for the first week then decreasing, are the only problem, and they're not that much of one really.

I'm loving seeing everything bright and clear not through smeared lenses. And the vision will settle more over the next month probably only improving!  Can't be bad.

I've started a little of the garden clearing, weather and eyes permitting, and loved finding the Honey Boat squash I though we'd lost in the heat.  They are a Butternut alternative that tastes like sweet potato.  I'll do them again next year.  Perhaps I should add them to my to paint list!

The last of the produce went into anther ratatouille for the freezer.  This is something I've done since the kids were small and a great way of clearing up the last tomatoes, courgettes, peppers and anything else needing using.  I don't season it other than salt and pepper and then it can be a base for anything from curry, pasta, Moroccan or just as something to put chicken breasts on in the oven, all seasoned to suit. 

We also went back to Pembrokeshire last week and had a lovely end of summer romp.  The girls certainly didn't seem to mind! 
This Saturday coming I will be with Maggie Grey as part of the Workshop on the Web team perusing the Knitting and Stitch show at Ally Pally.  If you see us please come and say hello! 

After all that painting I think I should go and find something stitchy to play with.  Not sure what though.  Perhaps I'll find inspiration at the show!

PS, I seem to be having the comment emails again at last!  Took them long enough.