Thursday, 26 July 2012

Tawny Owl

The first painting I ever sold was of a Tawny and I painted it when I was 12.  This is probably the only other one I've done!  I seem to be running out of steam with the pastels now though, this has taken an age to finish and I'm starting to overwork it so I'm leaving it.

Friday, 20 July 2012

Barn Owl

I must be on a roll!

10 x 13 inches pastel pencil on Senellier paper.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012


I've put the last finishing touches to a painting I started at a Nina Squires group meet a couple of weeks ago.

10 x 14 inches pastel on Senellier paper.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Courses, Courses!

I have had a few courses so far this year.  After finishing the C&G I've added a acrylic painting course with Flora Bowley, a couple of courses with Sally Jean and yesterday I spent with Sarah Ross-Thompson.

The Flora Bowley course I became very frustrated with.  It's all online and they make all the videos in HD.  Now I know I struggle with online videos here because of our internet, it even takes half an hour or so to let a two minute YouTube stream in, but I really for the life of me can't see the importance of HD on a computer screen anyway let alone one that, for me at least, literally takes days to download.  I gave up in the end and I'm still waiting for the book I was promised to arrive.  I'm sure it will but all the good intentions and directions this course was supposed to invoke went right out the window on about week three. 

The Sally Jean course was another online one.  I haven't done any soldering for years and wanted a refresh.  She was fun and informative and I now have a whole stack of glass, copper tape and solder to make use of and I am scouting about for items to put to use.  It is the sort of thing you need to set up for a long session so when I have quite a few things I will set too.
Just a few of the pieces from Sally Jean practice.  I have plans...!

And the lovely Sarah Ross-Thompson we met during the Dorset Art Weeks. 

We liked her work so much in fact we bought a couple of prints, not like us because we usually avoid the word 'print' preferring to buy an original.  The collagraph prints are totally different though where there is a very limited print run and, because of the inking process, each one is individual.  

Yesterday was spent in a huge heap of stuff and glue learning different ways of creating depth of tone where plastic, shiny items (parcel tape, PVA) would resist the ink and print as white and absorbent, ridged items (scrim fabrics, scratches) would hold the ink and print as dark.  There is plenty to read about on her website.

One of our late babies sitting outside my studio window.  They've all become very used to us in there now and really don't take any notice so we can be very, very close to the birds.  It really is quite wonderful.

And the little boxes...

 All snuggled up in layers and layers of threads ready to be transformed. 

And the sun has come out on St Swithin's day!! There were one or two drops earlier but we're hoping Mother will ignore them and take into account She has already done more than 40 days and 40 nights worth of rain!! 

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Fire Garden at Stonehenge.

Last night we went to Stonehenge to see the Fire Garden which is a part of the Cultural Olympiad

As well as being quite a sight to see the two amazing bits were we were allowed into and among the stones and yes, those are real flames and fire and it was hot and we were all trusted to not hurt ourselves!  


Sunday, 1 July 2012

Hector has a little Steampunk.

Really pleased with his little watch part goggles and fob watch and his three piece Harris Tweed suit. 

I wish I could take decent photos!  Don't forget you can click them bigger.