Friday, 12 September 2014

So, The List.

Well when not galavanting along deserted beaches with a pack of dogs or watching offspring do strange things like run up mountains I have made minute headway into The List.

I did first of all actually have a go at some needlefelting!  I've never done this type before and I now know what it's all about.  I can't say it bit me after all how exciting is continually stabbing something.  Not too unhappy with my little effort. Yes it's supposed to be a reindeer.

1) Olivia's cardie was found buttons and has been given to her for her ever growing wardrobe.  A new cardie has now taken this slot! 

2) The Happy Hauntings panel made it to Ireland, saw the light of day once and is now top of the list as it has a time frame. 

3) Mystery Item No 1.  No headway on this one

4) Mystery No 2. Nor this one.

5) Mystery No 3. I did have a look at this one and added some bits so at least it moved a little. 

6) Mystery No 4. Not looked at at all and this one needs to be kept in the forefront.

7) The Travellers Blanket no movement either.

8) Another cardie for Olivia.  This was finished and blocked and is now also in the expanding wardrobe. 

9) The hand pieced Hexi is still also just still in it's pouch glaring at me. 

10) My Tweets.  Yes it's still lurking too.


11) A Ricky Tims quilt has been added to the to do list

12) As well as an Aunt Sukey.  

Monday I fly to Paris for a few days and then down to Toulouse to play with 'stuff' and Keith Lo Bue.  Should be fun.  This is 4kgs of my baggage allowance taken already. 

I have also finished another module of the EG course so that is quite a big tick in the box. 

It's alright for some lazing around in the Autumn sunshine.  

I'm heading off to crack on with the halloween quilt as time is moving on! 

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

A Dogliday to Ireland (photo heavy)

We went over to Ireland last week to stay in Connemara with Elsa, Mike, Olivia, Owen, Lizzy and of course the dogs!

We had a wonderful house a long way from the road with a superb secure garden and it's own beach.

Which meant lots of this...

Usually followed by this...

Owen had to do his Ice Bucket Challenge but with lack of ice he did a North Atlantic with Seaweed one instead.

Trying to get anywhere near the fire in the evenings was a bit of a challenge.

John took the beachcasters and a lot of wishful thinking.

So everyone wanted to join in (Mike is in the background on the rocks).

One of the many local residents.

A nine month old pup being shown how to survey one's patch by a nine year old boy.

Wonderful sunsets.

A misty Croagh Patrick on the day Elsa and Mike chose to run up it.  Which they did in superb time too!

Kylemore Abbey.

A view from the Sky Road.  I just love the way that island tilts out of the sea!

The Twelve Bens or Pins seen from one of Ireland's fabulous roads.

A family group shot.  But we're missing one!

Oh no, there she is.

Olivia's first beach.

Four stages of swimming.  Kofi not too sure, Ellie the paddle steamer, Remi not wanting to go too far and Ruger in the background practising for the next Olympics.

Tully has this real thing about cleaning up the sea.  She has to bring anything she can ashore including seaweed. This was a huge clump still attached to rocks and she spent ages trying to drag it in.

Some more of the locals.

Up in the Twelve Bens.

And home again dreaming of still swimming and running and playing ball and warm fires and long views.....