Saturday, 14 March 2015

Monkeys in the Rigging

This week I have had a bit of a mixed bag.  Lots of blasting on with samples for my course. Sampling means lots of pulling of fabrics and any other bits and my little studio is a wreck!  Other than that I have done......

A little bit of papier mache.

Some weaving with pipe cleaners and cotton string.

Here is someone who will eventually make use of the above.

I still have a fair bit of the twiddly bits to do but he's not too far off being finished.

Also I finished another bag made with flimsies and silk.

The title of the post is in reference to the amazing guys who have done this to our house this week!

I cannot believe how they scramble around up there with such ease!  Mind you it's a fairly solid structure now and Monday will see it being covered in plastic.  John calls it our very own Faraday Cage and it certainly blocked the Sky signal and the internet one too so all that has had to be moved temporarily.  Here is John, who absolutely hates heights, having a look to see what our new view will be when it's finished.

When the plastic is on we won't be able to have any fires.  Mind you that's not too much of a problem with the big one in the snug at the moment!!  That end wall has to come down and be rebuilt as the chimney is coming away and that's the end where the bats are.

I have a special section of scaffolding up and over my studio to support some boards which are to stop anything falling through the roof of it and it's a little darker in there than I'm used to but I think I will be hiding in there quite a lot!

It was good to see the start of the F1 begin again with an interesting Quali for some of the teams.  Things can only get better we hope!  We have rugby this afternoon and tomorrow too, sadly already nearing the end of this years 6 Nations.  At least we have the world cup at the end of the year!

Have a great weekend whatever you're doing.