Thursday, 4 December 2014

One or Two Bits

Forgive me fellow Bloggers for I have been lax.  It has been a whole month since I last posted, not that you've missed me I'm sure! Like a lot of you out there, at this time of year especially, I really don't know where the time goes!

Anyway, it's just a quick hello to you all as I've missed you.  I've not been anywhere or done much.  There are a couple of bits in the Christmas pile that I will show after they have been given and I finished another cardie and forgot the photos.

I have completed the course with the Embroiderers Guild, had to go back to a Level 1 as it's with a different organisation but that's understandable, I now have my first cert in Machine Embroidery.

Most of it was great fun and I enjoyed doing the samples etc but one project subject just would not work for me.  I learned to put it aside and move on!

Obviously I can't show you too much as this is a paid for course and it wouldn't be fair but these are a couple of my pieces.

The felting seems to have come to a halt.  I am struggling with the patience needed for it!  It also hurts my wrists and after snapping the tendon earlier in the year the pain can be quite severe.  Maybe I will pick it up again after Christmas as it has actually moved on to the more exciting bit of 3D items.

I have started another Compendium. It's letting me know what it needs rather than planning.

It's been a few years since I did one, in the way back whens of Windows computers etc.  I see there's a tutorial by Kate Crossley on WOW at the moment, very spooky!! But I like a couple of her ideas and will perhaps use them but she does use pre made boxes, I always construct from scratch and love it. I've never seen her work before so had to look it up.  Very exciting!

And last but far from least I had some serious sewing to do.

Poor Ellie pup's Tiggy Teddy had a little hole and needed surgery.  She watched every stitch and was very relieved to have him back.

I hope your Christmas preparations are going well.  Have a great weekend, we're sitting Olivia while Mum and Dad run races!
