Monday, 21 May 2018

Kingcombe and DAW

After coming home from Devon I had a few days to gather my things together for a residential course with Lynda Monk at the Kingcombe Centre. I've never been there before and was really impressed with the barn for teaching and the standard of catering.  The bedroom was ok, at least most are en suite, but my bed was a bit hard for me.  It was all far too exciting to sleep much anyway! 

Lynda showed us her techniques for making fabrics with Tyvek and Lutrador.

As you can see I had a huge pile of good sized samples to bring home by the time we had finished.  We did use some of them up whilst there too.  We also experimented with textured surfaces and paint effects. 

I'm almost finished with the tall vessel.  I've painted it fairly lichenish but need to add a few extra bits.  The bowl was a clever effect and several people have asked if it's metal.  It's not but you'll have to go on a course with Lynda to find out what!!!!  We also made a stitched book, which I had to help several people with but then I do make a lot of stitched books, and a Grandma's Boasting Book which is origami folded pockets.  

I'm now making some of the fabrics into other things including these screw spine sketchbooks. 

She is a full paced, non stop tutor and I've heard rumours that people refuse to go on a second course with her as they can't keep up!  I loved it!!! We were allowed in the workshop anytime so a lot of us started around 7am and often finished after 9pm.  The superb food was copious, fresh and very delicious with continuous tea, coffee, cakes and biscuits.  Good job there were lots of walking paths around the estate! 

On one night the wardens put out the moth trap for us, something I've always wanted as I love moths.  We had quite a collection of the usual suspects the next morning but, oh joy of joy's, we had a Poplar Hawkmoth!! So pleased to see something exciting. 

Isn't he beautiful?  

I seemed to be on a bit of a wildlife spree whilst there.  The first night I rescued a huge queen hornet from the bedroom area.  The following day a swallow had managed to fly in too so I had to capture that as well.  So amazing to see the beautiful iridescent colour feathers on it up close.  The next evening there was an escaped lamb which no one would go near but I managed to get it back into the field with its friends.  Oh and about a dozen bees needs rescuing from various windows.  All good fun.

Next event is the Dorset Art Weeks which starts this Saturday 26th May.  I'm pottering now as I think I have enough to show.  I've just about run out of time now anyway as the rest of the week is taken up with other appointments.  We're hanging Friday. 

Enjoy your week!