Whilst we were in Spain in the Spring, John stopped the car and we took a photo of these trees in their rigid formation. He told me it would make a good quilt and he named it there and then.
So here it is, Order to Chaos made this week with machine free embroidery on hand dyed fabrics and a little beading all mounted onto stretched canvas. 8 x 20 inches.
Speaking of chaos, here is Chris at the start of his first ever half marathon. He did an exceptionally fantastic time of 1 hour 49 minutes and 10 seconds and out of 2054 runners he came 478th which is well in the first quarter of the field! Very proud Mum!

A few gardeny bits now.
As Chris is with us he has been helping around the place which is wonderful. While moving some slabs around he found this little stash of hazelnuts. They go down quite a long way and I'm sure the mouse who put them there would not be happy if we moved them so the slab went back down to cover them again. We have lots of hazelnut trees in the garden but no walnut tree and neither have the neighbours so it was a mystery why we also found a walnut not too far away.
At the beginning of the month there was huge excitement at the sighting of a Hummingbird Hawk Moth in the front garden. Too fast and brief for a photo though. We also found this fabulous caterpillar of a Grey Dagger Moth on one of the hawthorns. Isn't it spectacular? Moth larvae are nearly always better than butterfly.
I have finished block 8 of My Tweets. The end is really in sight now and I'm already thinking of how to quilt it.
And in my own room of chaos, there is always a place for a little bit of calm and a snooze.
Have a wonderful weekend.