Chris commented that he hadn't seen the blog this week. Well that's because I haven't managed to type anything as yet but it is really nice to know he reads it. And just to show you all what a wonderful son he is, here's a little selection of the fabulous sea glass and bits he brought me home the other week. He has a little pocket in the leg of his wetsuit, for keys etc, and he stuffed it full a couple of times. Not too comfortable when surfing I'm sure! I am over the moon and can't wait for more!! (heavy hint there).
On Wednesday June and I took our embellishers to the sewing group to have a play. She was lacking confidence and a lot of the ladies had no idea what they were so it was a fun morning. I managed to put together these three little panels.
They look very different when they are put behind the aperture of a card, mock up below, but first I will hand stitch and bead and put in the fish. They sell very well as cards and will go in the charity stall pile.
I saw this on Facebook and thought it was quite appropriate. I hope you can read it clearly.
The sketchbooks are still in use but I have now started the Studio Journal course so that is my direction at the moment. Mind you I'm finding most of the exercises I have already covered in my City & Guilds. This week we had been asked to put washes over some of our pages to do away with the dread white page, well I did that last week as that's what I had already learned. Both this course and the Bloom True one, which involves lots of smearing and sloshing of paint, have helped tremendously in me 'just doing'. They have also helped with a little change from sewing!
The doodle page was finished, I just forget to post it last week.
A certain young puppy who shall remain nameless found my 2" roll of masking tape which resulted in a thick layer having to be cut off.
I haven't thrown it in the bin however as it's quite a nice thickness for one little job. Very useful.
This is the little rug I have under my desk. My feet are supposed to be on that rug, it was a gift from a friend who rears Shetland sheep. I don't have the chance to put them on there very often though!!

Ellie does love her Grand Paw Oscar very much. (Shame I can't post the snoring going on from both of them at the time though.)
Please keep your fingers crossed for Ruger who slipped on the ice last week and hurt his stifle joint. After a week of rest and pain killers he had an anaesthetic yesterday to be x-rayed. There is a little damage to his cruciate ligament, nothing requiring surgery thankfully, and it will hopefully stay that way as that can be a long term problem. Another two weeks rest and anti inflammatory medicine.
Our boiler packed up on the 9th, the igniter
thing didn’t want to ignite anymore, so we’ve been without central heating for
a week. Thankfully our two log burners
are big and can really throw out the heat.
The hot water, however, has been virtually on rations and the emersion
bit doesn’t seem to be big enough for the tank.
The repair man arrived late last night with a couple of the parts needed
and managed to force it into limited work.
Not too worried about the heat, we've become used to wearing lots of layers and this is a very warm home with good
insulation. (Cavity wall insulation does = mice and shrews in the loft
however. It makes wonderful pathways and
bedding for them.) End result is a whole new bolier as the oil has contaminated something or another and it would never work again properly. Another week gently encouraging the heating to work.
I have some blocks calling me to finish them today, a puppy to play with and my Ruger needs lots of TLC.
Have a great weekend.