My sewing group has a stall in the craft marquee at a local country show in August and there are usually things for the children to sew and things for sale to raise money for local charities. I'm trying to do a few bits to contribute and today I managed to put together some tea cosies.
That was between doing a few other bits around the house and meeting the new gardener. Yes I succumbed! John has been trying to convince me to have a gardener help a couple of times a month. I really am struggling with the knee, just when I think I'm getting somewhere, PING, off it goes. I was just scared of not finding a plantsman type gardener. Most around here seem to be the hack and slash kind. I like my garden!! Anyway, this one seems nice and he starts next Wednesday. More power to my knee!
The cuckoo(s) have been regular and in voice most mornings about 5.30. The willow fluff from the river has been thick in the air and the garden is now leaping forward. We have a Rosa rugrosa and some of the dog roses out and the rest won't be far behind now. At the moment the garden is full of the scent of the tree peonies. Delicious even if the plants are not up to much!!
The BBQ is lit and John has his shorts on. I may go in the loft for the fans later. That will then be the end of Summer! Happy days!